Saturday 2 August 2014

Togi Korean Restaurant : 너밖에 없어.

Hi everyone, 
we are really sorry for not updating as much as we want.
Too many things occupying our time, our minds and hearts, 
not a valid reason because we ought to cherish our time doing things that we like. - eating, writing and sharing! 

As a couple, we love food, love exploring new places together, 
go on ridiculously long walks and watch plenty of movies. 
we do not go where it is hip, 
( we're really pretty traditional at heart) 
we eat what we feel like at the moment and then start hunting. 
Mostly, we do things spontaneously.:) 

I'm sure many before us has already started on / watched " The return of superman"
If there is one thing that the return of superman influenced us, it will be to go and try korean cuisine and maybe.. start a family soon;) 

Alright, so one fine saturday,(yesterday)
I decided that I have enough of working over the weekend, 
and so I decided to go and try some Korean Food. 
The thing is, we definitely am rookie in the field of  korean food and we are definitely not huge fan. 
but this place really got us sold. 


First Word: Affordable, comfortable and contentment. 

We wanted to try the army stew / seafood stew, but decided that if we are to order any one of the two, we won't be able to finish the food, and we really wanted to try as much as we could.! 

and so we ordered 3 Main Dishes and 2 drinks, and it cost $65. 

1. BanChan 

First up, our complimentary side dishes. I love love love the porridge, kimchi, tuna salad, potato salad and everything else there! I wonder if they serve the porridge as a main dish.

2.Stir Fried Glass Noodles with Chicken 

I've always wondered why do koreans like  glass noodles so much since it is very much like dong fen and is tasteless. Now I know, it's really pretty flavorful with a rich but not overpowering taste of sesame oil. 

3. BBQ Pork Belly. 

BBQ pork belly is the boy's favorite. and over here, they have it nicely grilled for us. So sweet and juicy! Perfect with the lettuce wrap.

4. Spicy Seafood Tofu Soup ( we requested for it to be less spicy) 

and my favorite silken tofu stew. If you are wondering if it is yet another kimchi soup base, it is not! 
Neither is it bean paste. It is just really tasty with just a hint of spiciness but more of the seafood sweetness. 

In short, this place is just perfect for us coupled with the choice of alfresco dining. We will definitely be back for more and to try the stew with our friends. :)


[ If 2014 taught me anything thus far,
it is to really live life everyday to the fullest,
give, expect nothing
let go
and cherish. ]

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